####################### Linux Mint Installation ####################### Set Linux Swap Space to Zero ============================ #. During the :guilabel:`Installation type` step, select :guilabel:`Something else`. #. Click :guilabel:`New Partition Table...`. #. Set :guilabel:`Type for the new partition` to :guilabel:`Primary`. #. Set :guilabel:`Use as` to :guilabel:`Ext4 journaling file system`. #. Select :guilabel:`/` for :guilabel:`Mount point`. #. Make sure the :guilabel:`Format` box is checkmarked before continuing with installation. After finishing the installation, run .. code:: bash sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=0 echo 'vm.swappiness=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf Linux Mint Cinnamon as VMware Workstation Player Guest OS ========================================================= `open-vm-tools`_ is required to make the UI more human-usable. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-desktop .. _open-vm-tools: https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools In order to access the VMware shared folders, `VMware Tools needs to be patched`_. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches.git cd vmware-tools-patches sudo ./patched-open-vm-tools.sh .. _VMware Tools needs to be patched: https://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches/ After rebooting, the shared folders should now appear under :file:`/mnt/hgfs`. If the back mouse button is not working, shut down the VM and modify :file:`/.vmx` to include .. code:: bash mouse.vusb.enable = "TRUE" mouse.vusb.useBasicMouse = "FALSE" usb.generic.allowHID = "TRUE" preload ======= Behdad Esfahbod's :program:`preload` program records statistics about the usage of programs using Markov chains. Files of frequently-used programs are loaded into memory when the computer is idle; this results in faster startup times. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install preload cURL ==== :program:`cURL` is compute software project providing a library and command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install curl DjView ====== This is a DjVu viewer with search capability. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install djview4 Meld ==== This is a visual diff and merge tool for developers. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install meld xclip ===== This command enables piping to the system clipboard. .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install xclip cat | xclip -selection clipboard Autocomplete Terminal Shell =========================== To add command-line history auto-completion to the terminal shell, add the following to :file:`~/.inputrc` (which has been copied from `here`_ because it is that important): .. include:: _inputrc :code: bash .. _here: https://sites.google.com/site/simonegasparini/Home/miscellanea RAM Drive ========= The default Linux Mint settings mounts :file:`/run` as a ram drive, which greatly enhances the performance of the system. The following achieves the same thing with :file:`/tmp`. .. code:: bash echo 'none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab Change Default Linux Directories ================================ If the following are not done, the default Linux settings will wipe out any changes to :file:`~/.config/user-dirs.dirs` each time the computer restarts. .. code:: bash cat /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf > ~/.config/user-dirs.conf sed -i 's/enabled=True/enabled=False/g' ~/.config/user-dirs.conf Enable Secure Shell (SSH) ========================= .. code:: bash sudo ufw enable sudo apt-get install openssh-server sudo apt-get install gufw Mount Windows share on Linux ============================ .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install cifs-utils sudo mount -t cifs -o username= /// sudo umount -t cifs -l Mount Windows share on VirtualBox Guest Linux OS ================================================ .. code:: bash sudo mount -t vboxsf Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition as VirtualBox Guest OS ================================================== After a system update and restart, the login may take a really long time; when it does finish, the following error message may appear .. code:: bash Cinnamon just crashed, you are currently running in Fallback Mode Restart Cinnamon? One fix is to disable :guilabel:`3D Acceleration` under :guilabel:`Display`, install :guilabel:`Guest Additions`, and re-enable the :guilabel:`3D Acceleration`. Miscellanea =========== - If :command:`apt-get` fails to locate any packages, rebuild the package index cache. .. code:: bash sudo rm -rv /var/lib/apt/lists/* sudo apt-get update - Enable :guilabel:`Do Not Track` in browsers and install :program:`Privacy Badger`. - Change preferences of :program:`xed`. - Change background image. - Adjust power settings and screensaver. - Configure the clock :guilabel:`%I:%M:%S %p`. - Specify :menuselection:`System Settings --> Preferred Applications`. - Add or remove programs from the start menu's :guilabel:`Favorites Bar`. - Check :menuselection:`All Settings --> Sound --> Hardware` if there are no sound when playing a video.