######################## Notes on Software Design ######################## :cite:`alexander1964notes` is a timeless way of approaching design, and should be read by everyone who needs to design anything. One key concept to always keep in mind is: use patterns as a guideline and not as constraints. :cite:`brooks1995mythical` is another timeless resource focused on software design, but the only chapters worth reading are - *No Silver Bullet* (Chapters 16 and 17), - *Propositions of The Mythical Man-Month: True or False?* (Chapter 18), and - *The Mythical Man-Month: After 20 Years* (Chapter 19). The other chapters have become unnecessary details given today's widespread curriculum. For a discussion of different design processes, read the sequel :cite:`brooks2010design`. Software is still hard to create and software engineering frequently experience a cyclical crisis :cite:`gibbs1994software`. The main culprit causing schedule delays and unexpected costs is poor design. Even though design should come before any coding, hard deadlines with constantly changing requirements make it infeasible :cite:`parnas1996software`. No matter how good the language is, poor design will lead to bad software. Furthermore, people want useful tools that are compatible with their existing work environment, and engineers tend to focus on ignorant originality and creativity. Furthermore, not everyone holds themselves to high standards of software engineering :cite:`leveson1993investigation`. Conceptual Integrity ==================== Despite all the research in software design, the industry still uses the rational model process because of its logical simplicity, and that builders and clients need contracts :cite:`cusumano1997microsoft`. One feasible software process is a modified version of the spiral model :cite:`boehm1988spiral`. Imagine punctuating the spiral with explicit contracting points, augmented with clear specification of what can be contracted, with what certainties, and with what explicit distribution of risk :cite:`brooks2010design`. The key takeaway is to allow the possibility of reexamining the original design and possibly going back to the origin. The proposed design process enables one to enforce conceptual integrity and deal with software complexity via the scientific method :cite:`belady1976model`. The properties of conceptual integrity are - coherence, - consistency, - uniformity of style, - orthogonality, - propriety, and - generality. When a design violates these criteria, consider imposing a new proper design on top of the old :cite:`perez2013s`. This enables a smooth eventual transition to a better interface. Once the overall system design is in place, assess whether it is feasible to leverage open source :cite:`raymond2004cathedral`. As an aside, avoid extreme programming :cite:`cusumano2007extreme` and aspect-oriented programming :cite:`kiczales1997aspect,sullivan2010modular`. Compared to simpler techniques, neither have been shown to drastically improve the overall system design and may even be detrimental :cite:`dijkstra1968letters,keefer2003extreme,constantinides2004aop`. Rational Design Process ======================= The software design process will always be an idealization. Nonetheless, producing documentation that gives the appearance of applying such a process is still beneficial even if one has to fake it :cite:`parnas1986rational`. One way to achieve this is through separation of concerns using `sphinx-doc`_: each aspect of the system is described in exactly one section and nothing else is described in that section. .. _sphinx-doc: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ The documentation must include the design rationale at the time and continue to track it as changes are introduced :cite:`madsen1994guide`. When combined with effective design reviews :cite:`parnas1985active`, software aging can be slowed down :cite:`parnas1994software`. However, even if one designs for change, combating software aging requires refactoring, retroactive documentation, retroactive incremental modularization, occasionally scrapping sections of code, and eventually restructuring the entire system. Documentation itself should be viewed as a way to constrain the design :cite:`parnas1985modular`. It is important to focus on describing secrets in addition to interfaces and roles. Primary secrets are design decisions while secondary secrets are implementation decisions. Together these secrets inform you which module(s) will require a change. However, it is not always possible to confine information to a single module. One solution is to label modules as restricted or hidden as needed in the documentation. There is also a danger in keeping secrets that has to do with performance :cite:`lampson1983hints`. One way to improve performance is to increase the number of assumptions that one part of a system makes about another. The additional assumptions often allow less work to be done, sometimes a lot less. Lastly, the documentation should be written in a way that enables automatic system integrity checks :cite:`parnas1993predicate`. Since the code is self-documenting, the documentation should cover the set of possible values, initial values, parameters, and effects such as state changes, errors, traps, assertions, and machine checkable comments :cite:`lamport2002specifying`. Note that undefined is considered a special value instead of an unpredictable value. The documentation should also distinguish functions that provide redundant versus essential information :cite:`parnas1972technique`. The former are convenient mapping functions whose value is completely predictable from the current values of other functions. The latter provide information which cannot be determined without calling that function unless the user manually maintains duplicate information. System Decomposition ==================== Do not let the programmer make any decisions: the API should make it obvious there is only one way to do a task :cite:`parnas1971information`. Early design decisions should be those that are least likely to change followed by those that are most general. However, software should be designed to be flexible not general because generalizations are generally wrong and do not make it easy to adapt to a new situation :cite:`lampson1983hints`. Furthermore, a specialized implementation of a recurring good idea may be much more effective than a general one. The connections between modules should make as few assumptions as possible. The only assumptions that appear between module interfaces are those that are considered unlikely to change. One way to do this is to limit information distribution: each module should only know the minimal design information required to accomplish its task. A system should never be decomposed according to the dataflow charts :cite:`parnas1972criteria` because - changing one module results in changing all of them, - interface between modules are complex, and - understanding the system requires understanding all the modules simultaneously. Instead, it should be focused on minimizing the amount of information distribution. A module is associated with responsibility rather than subprogram. It is characterized by its knowledge of a design decision which it hides from all others. Modules do not correspond to steps in the processing. They may have a partial ordering between each other, which consists of either "uses" or "depends upon". The relation A uses B is less strict than A depends upon B: the latter requires the presence of a correct implementation of B. The "depends upon" relation enables different levels of dependencies. Level zero is a set of independent programs :cite:`parnas1979designing`. Level :math:`i > 0` is the set of all programs that depends on at least one program on level :math:`i - 1` and no program at a level higher than :math:`i - 1`. As one goes higher in the levels, one can lose capabilities due to consumption of resources, but the resulting programs are simpler due to the reuse of the lower levels programs. Thus, to avoid duplicate programs, a program should be implemented at the lowest level in which the features that are useful for its implementation are available. When there is a simple interface that can describe strategies that will satisfy a significant fraction of clients, but it is impractical to accommodate all important strategies in that interface, then the interfaces should be layered :cite:`kiczales1996beyond,kiczales1997open`. However, the simple interface should be geared towards being fast and efficient instead of general or powerful because the client can further customize the implementation through callbacks, dispatching, or polymorphism :cite:`lampson1983hints`. In other words, the primary interface provides the functionalities, and the meta-interface allows fine-grained tuning of the implementation underlying the primary interface. The criteria to be used in allowing one program to depend on another could be: - A is essentially simpler than B. - B is not substantially more complex because it does not depend on A. - There is a useful subset containing B and not A. - There is no conceivably useful subset containing A but not B. - When two programs could obviously benefit from using each other, slice one of the programs B into B1 and B2 where A is allowed to depend on B2 and B1 is allowed to depend on A. This sandwiching technique could be applied recursively. The proposed hierarchical structure allows the system to be functional and useful when higher level services are cut off. One way to objectively describe this structure is through stepwise refinement of program families :cite:`parnas1976design`. More often than not, the common properties among a set of programs is more conspicuous than the special properties of the individual family members. This approach is different from `semantic versioning`_. When designing software families, it is helpful to imagine writing new general instructions for a virtual machine (VM) to handle new data types and transformations :cite:`parnas1975use`. The VM is an abstraction over the base machine (e.g. hardware, software stack) or the current VM. The goal is to identify the minimal subset that might be useful, and then search for a set of minimal incremental instructions to add to the system. .. _semantic versioning: https://semver.org/ Software Architectures and Design Patterns ========================================== Software design techniques help build the system while specialization of software architecture gives form to the system. Architectural design patterns must always be specialized to the problem domain to achieve efficiency :cite:`garlan2006introduction`. A recent overview of different network-based architectural styles in terms of components, connectors, data, and configurations is given in :cite:`fielding2000architectural`. When these different architectures are applied to a module, the resulting design pattern can be regarded as a micro-architecture :cite:`gamma1993design`. For example, the mediator pattern is very useful when the separation of components and relationships are violated :cite:`sullivan1990reconciling`. The basic unit of modularity (a.k.a. module) is an abstract data type (ADT) :cite:`linden1976use,parnas1976abstract`. An ADT is a set of operations grouped around common data structures. It can be viewed as providing an abstract machine for the execution of a program. Abstract interfaces increase separation of concerns and leads to simpler yet more elegant software designs through minimizing the number of components that deals with the real world details :cite:`parnas1977use`. All the modifications can be seen as tailoring the abstract machine to a particular algorithm. When a change violates a module's specification in the abstract machine, an exception should be raised to handle the error :cite:`parnas1972response`. Exception handling must respect the structure of the system and restore the state of the VM used by the level above to one which is consistent with the specifications :cite:`parnas1975influence`. It should handle normal and worst cases separately because the normal case must be fast while the worst case must make some progress :cite:`lampson1983hints`. Ideally, the system should be designed to have zero or minimal exceptions. One way to towards a reliable and maintainable system is through design by contract: each module needs to explicitly state its preconditions, postconditions, invariants, and check instructions instead of relying on defensive programming :cite:`meyer1992applying,plosch1997design`. Even though the focus of design up to this point has been on sequential computation, the prescribed guidelines apply equally to concurrent systems :cite:`meyer1990sequential`. There are, however, some additional concepts to keep in mind. When reasoning about concurrency, coroutines and futures are helpful abstractions to use. Furthermore, the system's design will be simpler when the designer is mindful of command-query separation, referentially transparent expressions, and declarative operations. SOLID ===== All programming is maintenance programming :cite:`thomas2010orthogonality`. A system's knowledge goes beyond code (e.g. database schemas, test plans, build system, documentation). Every piece of system knowledge should have one authoritative, unambiguous representation. Every piece of knowledge should have a single representation. Entities that are not related conceptually should not be related in the system. Duplication and volatility can be handled by code generators. This *Don't Repeat Yourself* (DRY) principle tries to minimize coupling, or maximize orthogonality. It may be surprising to hear that objects, classes, and inheritance are not orthogonal, whereas objects, types, delegation, and abstraction are orthogonal :cite:`wegner1987dimensions`. This is the reason why actor model programming languages support objects, abstraction, and concurrency, but not classes, inheritance, nor strong typing. On a related note, JavaScript's prototype mechanism models knowledge acquisition more closely than the class mechanism for human cognitive processes. Although once there are many instances that share a common structure, a class can be defined to group them. Single Responsibility Principle ------------------------------- The single responsibility principle (SRP) is the hardest to get right :cite:`martin1996srp`. Each responsibility is an axis of change. There should never be more than one reason for a class to change. Otherwise, the responsibilities will be implicitly coupled. Inheritance and interfaces can be used to separate responsibilities (see Figure 9-2 and 9-3). However, an implementation class that implements both interfaces results in undesirable coupling. Nevertheless, the concepts have been decoupled as far as the rest of the application is concerned. Open-Closed Principle --------------------- The open-closed principle (OCP) states that software entities (e.g. classes, modules, functions) that are maintainable and reusable should be open for extension, but closed for modification :cite:`martin1996open`. The key to enforcing OCP is abstraction and polymorphism. For example, make all member variables private. No function that depends upon a variable can be closed with respect to that variable. Any other class including subclasses are closed against changes to member variables. In rare cases where OCP is not violated, the proscription of public and protected variables depends upon style more than substance. In even rarer cases where RTTI and global variables do not violate OCP, then convenience be worth the style violation. When closure is not complete, the next best thing is strategic closure: - use abstraction to gain explicit closure (e.g. ordering abstraction), or - use a data-driven approach to achieve closure (e.g. specify ordering in base class using a table). Liskov Substitution Principle ----------------------------- The Liskov substitution principle (LSP) asserts that functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it :cite:`martin2005liskov`. It is a characteristic of modules that obey OCP. When considering whether a particular design is appropriate or not, one must view it in terms of the assumptions made by the users of that design. Validity is not an intrinsic property, i.e., a model viewed in isolation cannot be meaningfully validated. The validity of a model can only be expressed in terms of its clients. An example violation of LSP is RTTI. LSP makes clear that in object-oriented design (OOD), the ISA relationship pertains to extrinsic public behavior. Recall the typical a square ISA rectangle. The usual ISA relationship can lead to subtle yet significant problems. After the creation of Rectangle, Square is created as a subclass of Rectangle. To satisfy LSP, the base class needs to be modified, violating OCP. Even if that was acceptable, the assumptions of a rectangle are different from a square. LSP emphasizes type hierarchy (composition) and discourages implementation hierarchy (inheritance) :cite:`liskov1988keynote`. Recall that the goal of abstraction in programming is to separate behavior from implementation. Specification of procedures, abstract data types, and encapsulation lead to program locality. The implementation hierarchy does not offer anything new to data abstraction. The type hierarchy, on the other hand, offers several benefits. The first immediate benefit is the grouping of types based on their behavior. Subtypes and supertypes are concepts while subclasses and superclasses are linguistic implementation details. The second benefit is incremental design (see Figure 4-1). A cyclic graph records the progress of design in terms of procedures, data abstractions, and subtypes. Each design decision can be represented as new subtypes instead of modifying the original type. Having recorded such design decisions localizes the effects of specification changes limiting the spread of errors. The final design could still be a single type, possibly the last subtype invented. Lastly, the type hierarchy can handle related types, abstractions that are variants of the same general idea. There are two ways in which these related types arise. The designer can define the relationships a program contains up front, or the relationship is not recognized until after several related types exist. In the former, the type hierarchy can directly model the relationships via supertypes and subtypes. Unfortunately, the type hierarchy is bad for the latter scenario because introducing a supertype requires changes in classes implementing the subtypes to reflect the hierarchy. Consequently, the latter can make use of the grouping approach: allow the polymorphic module to use any type that supplies the needed operations as arguments. Interface Segregation Principle ------------------------------- The interface segregation principle (ISP) states that clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use :cite:`martin1996interface`. Separate clients mean separate interfaces because a change in an interface forces its clients to change, and a change in a client can force its interface to change. An example is the use of globals in a restricted manner to improve ease of access. A developer might combine all of those globals into a single class, which includes all the separate interface header files into one file. This violates ISP and effectively undoes all the segregation. Another example is Polyad versus Monad. A function :math:`g` needs access to interfaces A and B, which currently refers to the same object. Should those interfaces be grouped into one or passed to :math:`g` as separate parameters? One should go for the polyad approach because the object may be different in the future, and by grouping into one interface, ISP is violated. The foregoing issues are symptoms of interface pollution syndrome: an interface is forced to incorporate another interface solely for the benefit of one of its subclasses. When the interfaces must remain together, consider using delegation or multiple inheritance. Delegation is an object form of the adapter pattern: the adapter can translate one interface into another interface. Multiple inheritance is preferred unless the adapter provides different translations at different times. Dependency Inversion Principle ------------------------------ The dependency inversion principle (DIP) is the generalization of OCP and LSP: the higher level modules should use an abstract interface to access the lower level functionalities :cite:`martindependency`. Directly reusing the lower level modules will result in bad designs because dependency is transitive (see figures 3 and 4). Bad designs often exhibit rigidity, fragility, and immobility. When a design is rigid, it is hard to make any changes because every change affects too many other parts of the system. When a change breaks unexpected parts of the system, the design is too fragile. A design is immobile when the system is too tightly coupled with the application, and hence preventing reuse in another application. Lastly, abstractions should not depend upon details, but details should depend upon abstractions. However, high level modules should contain the policy decisions, i.e., truths that do not vary when the details are changed. Package Principles ================== SOLID is a set of principles that govern the micro-structure of OOD. While that may work for small solo projects, large applications with a team of engineers require principles that can deal with its macro-structure. :cite:`martinppg,martinpps` proposes a set of principles which govern the creation, interrelationship, dependencies, and use of packages. Note that the package structure cannot be designed from the top down. A package structure is a map of how to build the application, and it gets mapped as the system classes accumulate. This approach is along the lines of the bidirectional design decomposition algorithm that tries to minimize the information transfer between subsystems in :cite:`alexander1964notes`. In order to measure the goodness of a package structure, the following definitions will be useful. A dependency upon some entity with low volatility, and its goodness is inversely proportional to its volatility. Stability is a measure of the difficulty in changing a module. Classes which do not depend upon anything else are called independent. Classes that are heavily depended upon are labeled as responsible. The most stable classes are both independent and responsible. One plausible metric for a package is the distance from the main sequence .. math:: D = \left\vert A + I - 1\right\vert where - :math:`A` is the fraction of abstract classes in a package, - :math:`I = \frac{C_e}{C_a + C_e}` is the instability of a package, - :math:`C_e` is the efferent couplings, the number of classes inside this package that depend upon classes outside this package, and - :math:`C_a` is the afferent couplings, the number of classes outside this package that depend upon classes within this package. Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle ----------------------------------- The granule of reuse is the granule of release. Only components that are released through a tracking system can be effectively reused. This granule is the package. Code reuse is defined as code that requires minimal knowledge and maintenance. - One only needs the public header files and documentation. - Code update only requires linking to static or dynamic library. - After the library updates are rolled out, the old version is still usable. Common Reuse Principle ---------------------- The classes in a package are reused together. If one of the classes in a package is reused, all of them are reused. Notice how this promotes localized volatility. Common Closure Principle ------------------------ The classes in a package should be closed together against the same kind of changes. A change that affects a package affects all the classes in that package. Think of this as amplifying OCP by grouping together classes which cannot be closed against certain types of changes into the same package. Acyclic Dependencies Principle ------------------------------ The dependency structure between packages must be a DAG. If there is a cycle, one can apply DIP, or create a new package containing the classes that the back edge's source and destination depends on. This implies package structure is not stable in the presence of changing requirements. Stable Dependencies Principle ----------------------------- The dependencies between packages in a design should be in the direction of the stability of the packages. A package should only depend upon packages that are more stable than itself. Stable Abstractions Principle ----------------------------- Packages that are maximally stable should be maximally abstract, i.e., contain abstract classes. The abstraction of a package should be in proportion to its stability. Consequently, unstable packages should be concrete. Law of Demeter ============== The Law of Demeter (LoD) states that each module should only talk to its immediate friends :cite:`lieberherr1989assuring`. It can be ignored when a method is supposed to be treated as a black box, run-time efficiency is important, or the concept of usage is well-defined and well-understood. In essence, LoD can be thought of as minimizing method chaining through two techniques: lifting and pushing. Lifting moves a method up in the class hierarchy, and pushing moves a method further down the class hierarchy. Consider the following method that violates LoD. .. code:: cpp void C::M() { // T is the class of the object returned by m1. this->m1()->m2(); } *T* is a part class of *C* if *C* uses *T* as one of its instance variables or if *T* is a part class of an instance variable of *C*. When *T* is a part class of *C*, then either lifting or pushing works. However, when *C* is a part class of *T*, then only pushing works. The foregoing analysis is typically carried out using a dependency graph representation of method calls. Object-Oriented Design ====================== The key in making great and growable systems is much more to design how its modules communicate rather than what their internal properties and behaviors should be. Think of the internet - to live, it (a) has to allow many different kinds of ideas and realizations that are beyond any single standard and (b) to allow varying degrees of safe interoperability between these ideas. If you focus on just messaging - and realize that a good metasystem can late bind the various 2nd level architectures used in objects - then much of the language-, UI-, and OS based discussions on this thread are really quite moot. I think I recall also pointing out that it is vitally important not just to have a complete metasystem, but to have fences that help guard the crossing of metaboundaries. One of the simplest of these was one of the motivations for my original excursions in the late sixties: the realization that assignments are a metalevel change from functions, and therefore should not be dealt with at the same level - this was one of the motivations to encapsulate these kinds of state changes, and not let them be done willy nilly. I would say that a system that allowed other metathings to be done in the ordinary course of programming (like changing what inheritance means, or what is an instance) is a bad design. (I believe that systems should allow these things, but the design should be such that there are clear fences that have to be crossed when serious extensions are made.) -- `Alan Kay On Messaging`_ .. _Alan Kay On Messaging: http://wiki.c2.com/?AlanKayOnMessaging OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. -- `Alan Kay on the Meaning of Object-Oriented Programming`_ .. _Alan Kay on the Meaning of Object-Oriented Programming: http://www.purl.org/stefan_ram/pub/doc_kay_oop_en Here late binding is defined as polymorphic call—or any other binding operation—that are not resolved until runtime. As for messaging, think of the `actor model`_ i.e. view objects as non-data. The assignment operator "<-" is just another message token. This enables the disappearing of data using only methods and objects. .. _actor model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model The concept of allowing data to be abstracted by objects and procedures is known as dataless programming :cite:`balzer1967dataless`. All data and function references are expressed in a single canonical form so that changing the data representation does not effect the program's source statements. Only the internal processing associated with the data or function references are affected. Hence, the data representation can be specified after the program is written, and the programmer can focus on the logical processing required without regard to either the representation of data or the method of accessing and updating. Connections to Programming Language Design ------------------------------------------ Software design is akin to programming language design :cite:`hoare1973hints`. Some language designers have replaced the objective of simplicity by that of modularity, by which they mean that a programmer who cannot understand the whole language can get by with a limited understanding of only part of it. Another replacement of simplicity as an objective has been orthogonality of design. The principles of modularity, or orthogonality, insofar as they contribute to overall simplicity, are an excellent means to an end; but as a substitute for simplicity they are very questionable. Software should be as efficient as possible, and leave it up to the user of the software to be inefficient. It should be optimized for human readability and cognition. Wide interfaces and cumbersome parameter lists are always inappropriate. Another feature that is typically misused is method overloading :cite:`meyer2000principles`. Overloading destroys the fundamental simplicity of the object-oriented model where the class represents a mapping from operation names to operations. With overloading, any number of operations may be associated with an operation name for a given class. This makes it impossible to reason about programs and programming models. Furthermore, static overloading leads to more confusion and complex semantic rules when used in conjunction with polymorphism and dynamic binding. For more guidelines, see :cite:`meyers2014effective,reddy2011api,meyers2005effective,sutter2004c++,meyers2001effective`. Once the big design questions are resolved, one can then allocate some time on the tiny inconsequential details such as :doc:`coding style `. The details will remain immaterial as long as the designer is consistent (e.g. prefer underscore to camel case :cite:`sharif2010eye`) and applies the scientific method to decision making. Pseudo-Classes and Quasi-Classes -------------------------------- Pseudo-classes are entities that should have been designed as packaging artifices or namespaces for collections of non-object-oriented functions :cite:`weisert2002pseudo`. Some examples are Java's *Math* and *System* classes. It makes no sense to instantiate an object of *Math*, or to derive another class from *System*. Quasi-classes are a lot worse than a well-designed procedural program, and they habitually exhibit :cite:`weisert1998pcqcoop`: 1) For nearly every member data item there’s a corresponding accessor function to get it, such that: a. The function takes no parameters. #. The returned value is the member data item. #. The returned value has same type and other attributes as the member data item. #) For almost every member data item there’s a corresponding function to “set” it, such that: a. The function takes a single parameter. #. That parameter has the same type and other attributes as the member data item. #. The function stores the parameter into the member data item. The return type is void. #) A lack of essential operators and other methods forces user programs to manipulate the object through the get and set accessor functions. Both of these phenomena undermine the object-oriented paradigm by violating encapsulation and information distribution. The solution is quite simple and comes from mathematics: function names are typically nouns that stand for the returned value :cite:`weisert2012noget`. Unless there's a compelling need to modify one private member data item without reinitializing the whole object, avoid public set operators or write accessors for private member data. Instead, provide constructors that initialize the whole object with consistent data values :cite:`weisert2014sdoc`. The constructor should represent the most common representation among the user community. Only a small number of programs are expected to know (or find out) the constructor specifications. If an object cannot be immutable, make the necessary changes to it only through disciplined member functions that preserve consistency and validity. Another inexcusable design that leads to inconsistency is the use of mixed units for data representation :cite:`weisert2010nomix`. Never try to support multiple alternative representations of the same value, and be suspicious of character string representations of numeric or discrete data. Likewise, never derive subclasses based solely on different internal representations, where the rule for converting one representation to another is fixed. Polymorphic function invocation is intended to simplify doing different things to an object depending on its type, not doing identical things to objects that are distinguished only by their internal representation :cite:`weisert2009somor`. Quasi-Primitives ---------------- There are three very different categories of data items :cite:`weisert1999dit`: elementary Data items that cannot (meaningfully) be decomposed into other component data items. Elementary items are further divided into numeric, discrete, logical, and text. composite Data items made up of a fixed sequence of subordinate (elementary or composite) data items. Most application-domain entities and records fall in this category. container Data items used to store, often temporarily, other data items. The structures of the Standard Template Library fall in this category, as do files. Techniques and patterns for a class in one category are irrelevant and inappropriate for a class in another category. For instance, composite data items that represent principal objects of the application domain are called entities :cite:`weisert2002ent`. Said entity could have an external name (not-necessarily unique), and an internal code or identifier (unique for the type). The different data items can also be partitioned into object categories :cite:`weisert2014tgod`: application domain Objects representing data items that are stored, processed, or maintained by application systems. programming control Objects that help to implement internal algorithms or flow-control structures. The former includes elementary and composite data items, whereas the latter consists of container data items. The direct use of language primitives (e.g. *double*, *string*) in place of application-domain data items results in quasi-primitives. These fill roughly the same role in application programs as the built-in primitive data types. However, on their own they rarely yield bona fide objects with controlled behavior. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: