#################### Blogging with Docker #################### One issue with :doc:`the previous approach to blogging ` is the requirement of installing packages to build the blog. :doc:`Virtual machines ` can be installed to alleviate this matter, but at the cost of manually installing an OS and the corresponding packages. Furthermore, the virtual machine needs its own hacks and a lot of computational resources to work properly. `Docker CE`_ is the latest solution to this problem. `Installing it`_ is very simple and you only need to run .. code:: bash sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} .. _Docker CE: https://github.com/docker/docker-ce .. _Installing it: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#install-docker-ce-1 afterwards if you would like to use Docker as a non-root user. Make sure to reboot to apply the new permissions. Docker itself only needs a :file:`Dockerfile`, but this post will include additional items in order to replace the older blogging methods: .. include:: Dockerfile :code: docker The :file:`requirements.txt` is to support :doc:`data analysis `: .. include:: requirements.txt :code: text The files :file:`.gitconfig` .. include:: gitconfig :code: text and :file:`.inputrc` .. include:: inputrc :code: text and :file:`.vimrc` .. include:: vimrc :code: text are more for convenience. Copy Data Between Docker Volume and Host ======================================== Suppose you have a volume created by .. code:: bash docker volume create blog_data Any data transfer between host and docker volumes must happen via a container. As an example, suppose we need to generate an SSH key to connect to `BitBucket`_: .. code:: bash mkdir .ssh cd .ssh ssh-keygen -f id_rsa docker container create --name dummy --mount source=blog_data,target=/workspace/data python:3-slim cd .. docker cp .ssh dummy:/workspace/data/.ssh docker rm dummy .. _BitBucket: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/set-up-an-ssh-key-728138079.html#SetupanSSHkey-ssh2 Running a Docker Container ========================== Suppose the blog uses the provided :download:`Dockerfile ` to build an image as follows: .. code:: bash docker build -t blogger . The blog needs three processes to fully operate: .. include:: run_containers.sh :code: bash - *sphinx_autobuild* is responsible for looking at the blog data for changes and rebuilding the site. - Before running the related commands, you should clone the repository. .. code:: bash eval `ssh-agent` hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/alphaXomega/allthingsphi - *python_server* tests the blog with a local web server. Remember that this process will push data to Google Cloud, make sure to initialize it. .. code:: bash gcloud init - *jupyter_notebook* allows editing of blog content. It must use the following settings in order to run inside a container. .. code:: bash jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip= --no-browser