############################################################## On the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules ############################################################## Motivation(s) ============= Modular programming enables one module to be written with little knowledge of the code in another module and allow modules to be reassembled and replaced without reassembly of the whole system. Dataflow charts have been the criteria for dividing a system into modules thus far. Proposed Solution(s) ==================== The author proposes that it is almost always incorrect to begin the decomposition of a system into modules on the basis of a dataflow chart. Instead, a list of difficult design decisions or ones that are most likely to change should be constructed. Each module is then designed to hide such decisions from each other. Evaluation(s) ============= The criteria was used to decompose two example systems: KWIC index production and interpreter. The resulting exposition is very convincing. The criteria does not elaborate on how many decisions should a module hide before it should subdivide itself. Future Direction(s) =================== - An exponential :doc:`algorithm ` to group the set of design decisions exists. Can dataflow be used to reduce the search space? - Can deep reinforcement learning come up with good system decompositions? Question(s) =========== - Is there an equivalent for the CAP theorem in software engineering? Analysis ======== A system should not be decomposed according to the dataflow charts. Instead, it should be focused on minimizing the amount of :doc:`information distribution `. Furthermore, even hierarchical structure exists in both good and bad system decompositions, having it is mostly beneficial. It is surprising software architects still use dataflow as a way to structure their classes. A controversial point is to focus on good software design and leave the efficiency to the compiler. On a tangent note, :cite:`parnas1989enhancing` is a rehash of this paper. Notes ===== Expected Benefits of Modular Programming ---------------------------------------- - Managerial - Divide and conquer. - Product Flexibility - Loose coupling of modules. - Comprehensibility - Learn the system one module at a time. Modularization -------------- - Design decisions which must be made before the work on independent modules can begin. - "Module" is associated with responsibility rather than subprogram. Criteria -------- - Side effect of system decomposition using a dataflow chart - Changing one module results in changing all of them. - Interface between modules are complex. - Understanding the system requires understanding all the modules simultaneously. - Information Hiding - Modules do not correspond to steps in the processing. - Every module in the second decomposition is characterized by its knowledge of a design decision which it hides from all others. - A data structure, its internal linking, accessing procedures, and modifying procedures are a part of a single module. - The sequence of instructions necessary to call a given routine and the routine itself are a part of the same module. - Entities to hide: - Format control blocks - Character codes, alphabetic orderings, etc... - The sequence in which certain items will be processed. - To achieve efficiency in implementation, several representations of the program must be maintained in the machine together with a program mapping between them e.g. JIT, compiler optimization. Hierarchical structure ---------------------- - A partial ordering of the relations (if any) between the modules or programs. - Benefits of partial ordering (versus none i.e. all modules are on the same level). - Reuse of established lower level services. - Higher level services can be cut off and the system is still functional and useful. - The relation of concern is either "uses" or "depends upon". - Independent of system decomposition. - Both criteria for decomposition can make use of hierarchical structure. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: