########################################################### Multilayer Feedforward Networks are Universal Approximators ########################################################### Motivation(s) ============= Two decades after the two-layer perceptron was demonstrated to be incapable of approximating functions outside a narrow and special class, researchers have begun to explore the ability of multilayer feedforward networks to approximate general mappings from one finite dimensional space to another. Its success across a wide variety of applications raises questions over its ultimate capabilities. Contrary to these successes, researchers have recently found that a single hidden layer feedforward network using the monotone cosine squasher is capable of embedding as a special case a Fourier network. Such networks possess all the approximation properties of Fourier series representations. Proposed Solution(s) ==================== The authors use the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem and the cosine squasher to establish multi-output multilayer feedforward networks as a class of universal approximators. Evaluation(s) ============= The authors present a very thorough yet comprehensible proof using mathematical analysis. Note that the results do not address how many hidden units are needed to attain a given degree of approximation for a fixed input dimension. Future Direction(s) =================== - How would one analyze the effects of using different activation functions at different parts of each hidden layer? - How does a network's topology affect the number of hidden units, layers, and learning efficiency? Question(s) =========== - Since there are no restrictions on the connections between the hidden layers, does this mean the network is still a universal approximator with a configuration such as :math:`h_i > h_{i + 1} \land h_{i + 2} > h_i` where :math:`h_\cdot` denotes the number of hidden units at layer :math:`i`? Analysis ======== Standard multilayer feedforward network architectures using arbitrary squashing activation functions can approximate any measurable function of interest to any desired degree of accuracy, provided sufficiently many hidden units are available. Thus, failures in applications can be attributed to inadequate learning, inadequate number of hidden units, or the presence of a stochastic rather than a deterministic relation between input and target. In a later work, this analysis was extended to handle non-squashing activation functions (see Theorem 2.1 and 2.2) :cite:`stinchcombe1989universal`. Provided that sufficiently many hidden units are available, if the activation function is continuous, bounded and nonconstant, then continuous mappings can be learned uniformly over compact input sets :cite:`hornik1991approximation`. Even though these proofs do not deal with the learnability of hidden units (e.g. empirical risk minimization), the results indicate that it is not the specific choice of the activation function, but rather the multilayer feedforward architecture itself which gives neural networks the potential of being universal learning machines. One peculiar issue is how researchers cite this paper. This paper does not discount deep feedforward networks, yet researchers emphasize that very point rather than focus on details the paper neglect (e.g. the number of hidden layers and units, network topology). Another valuable contribution of this paper is the mathematical appendix of elegant proofs and theorems. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: