##################################################################################### Neural Networks and Physical Systems with Emergent Collective Computational Abilities ##################################################################################### Motivation(s) ============= All modeling is based on details. Current neuroscience theories focus on the dynamic electrochemical properties neurons and synapses at the scale of a few neurons to analyze elementary biological behavior. However, in many physical systems (e.g. a magnetic system), the nature of collective properties is insensitive to the details inserted in the model. This makes one wonder whether analogous collective phenomena in a system of simple interacting neurons have useful computational correlates. Proposed Solution(s) ==================== The author observed that any physical system whose dynamics in phase space is dominated by a substantial number of locally stable states to which it is attracted can be regarded as a general content-addressable memory. The system will be useful if any prescribed set of states can be made the stable states of the system. To store a set of states :math:`\left\{ V^s \in \{0, 1\} \right\}_{s = 1}^n`, the author defines a complete graph whose weights use the storage prescription .. math:: T_{ij} = \sum_s \left( 2 V^s_i - 1 \right) \left( 2 V^s_j - 1 \right) = \sum_s X^s_i X^s_j with :math:`T_{ii} = 0`. Notice that these particular weights can be interpreted as a form of Hebbian learning. Unlike previous neural nets that emphasize relative timing of action potential spikes, each neuron in this network updates asynchronously. Evaluation(s) ============= Monte Carlo calculations were made on systems of :math:`N = 30` and :math:`N = 100` neurons; both exhibited qualitative similarities. The flow in phase space produced by this neural network has the properties necessary for a physical content-addressable memory whether or not :math:`T_{ij}` is symmetric. Setting :math:`T_{ij} \neq 0` and :math:`T_{ji} = 0` did increase the probability of making errors, but the algorithm continued to generate stable minima. However, asymmetric :math:`T_{ij}` can lead to a metastable minimum. Furthermore, the phase space flow is dominated by attractors which are the nominally assigned memories, each of which dominates a substantial region around it. Memories too close to each other are confused and tend to merge. The flow is not entirely deterministic, and the system responds to an ambiguous starting state by a statistical choice between the memory states it most resembles. A serious limitation of this model is its capacity. About :math:`\frac{N}{4 \log N}` states can be simultaneously remembered before severe recall error. Future Direction(s) =================== - How to applying Hebbian learning to the hidden units within a single layer to avoid :doc:`co-adaptations of neurons `? - :doc:`Maxout networks ` is capable of learning the desired activation function, but may still encountered the exploding gradient problem. Would a neuron reset scheme be an appropriate mechanism to simulate cell death and respawn? Question(s) =========== - Is the analysis of the effect of the noise terms equivalent to the derivation of model capacity in :cite:`rsnapp08hn2`? - The pseudo-orthogonality condition is not obvious by inspection. Analysis ======== The spontaneous emergence of new computational capabilities from the collective behavior of large numbers of simple processing elements have been shown to be feasible. While this and asynchronous parallel processing are attractive ideas, :cite:`rsnapp08hn` proved that the time till convergence is too long if each neuron is sequentially updated. The idea is interesting and deserves further research, but this network model is not practical compared to existing techniques that are resilient to failures. One of the interesting points is the mention of Hebbian learning: neurons that fire together wire together. This particular learning paradigm has been ignored with respect to the hidden units in :doc:`multilayer feedforward networks `. Notes ===== Ising Model ----------- Section 13.2.3 of :cite:`rojas2013neural` states that the Ising model can be used to describe systems made of particles capable of adopting one of two states. In the case of ferromagnetic materials, their atoms can be modeled as particles of spin up (:math:`s = +1 / 2`) or spin down (:math:`s = -1 / 2`). The spin points in the direction of the magnetic field. All tiny magnets interact with each other. This causes some of the atoms to flip their spin until equilibrium is reached and the total magnetization of the material reaches a constant level, which is the sum of the individual spins. The total magnetic field :math:`h_i` sensed by the atom :math:`i` in an ensemble of particles is the sum of the fields induced by each atom and the external field :math:`h^*` (if present). Formally, .. math:: h_i = \sum_{j \neq i} w_{ij} s_j + h^* s_i where :math:`w_{ij}` represents the magnitude of the magnetic coupling between the atoms labeled :math:`i` and :math:`j`. The magnetic coupling changes according to the distance between atoms and the magnetic permeability of the environment. The potential energy :math:`E` of a certain state :math:`(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n)` of an Ising material has the form .. math:: E = -\frac{1}{2} \mathop{\sum\sum}_{i \neq j} w_{ij} s_i s_j - h^* \sum_i s_i. In paramagnetic materials, the coupling constants are zero. In ferromagnetic materials, the constants :math:`w_{ij}` are all positive. At zero temperature, both systems behave deterministically. Notice that this potential energy at zero temperature is isomorphic to the energy function of Hopfield networks. By inspection, a Hopfield network can be seen as a microscopic model of magnetism :cite:`rkrusenn07`: .. list-table:: Isomorphism between the Hopfield and Ising Models :header-rows: 1 * - physical - neural * - atom - neuron * - magnetic spin - activation state * - strength of external field - threshold value * - magnetic coupling between atoms - connection weights Hopfield Network ---------------- The input to a particular neuron arises from the current leaks of the synapses to that neuron. The synapses in turn are activated by arriving action potentials that neurons emit. Neurons are capable of propagating pulses of action potentials—electrochemical activity—when the average potential across their membrane is held well above its normal resting value. The mean rate at which action potentials are generated for a typical neuron :math:`i` can be modeled as .. math:: V_i(t + 1) = \left( 1 + \exp \sum_j T_{ij} V_j(t) \right)^{-1} where the pre-synaptic sum represents the input signal to the neuron, :math:`T_{ij}` is the effectiveness of a synapse, and :math:`V_\cdot` is the membrane potential (Volts). A Hopfield network uses a simpler model of a neuron called the McCulloch-Pitts linear threshold unit. :math:`V_\cdot \in \{0, 1\}` now denotes whether the neuron fired or not and is defined as .. math:: V_i(t + 1) = H\left( \sum_j T_{ij} V_j(t) \right) \quad \land \quad H(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if}\ x > 0\\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} Notice that all neurons are input as well as output neurons i.e. there are no hidden units. To account for the delays in synaptic transmission and in the transmission of impulses along axons and dendrites, each neuron asynchronously readjusts its state randomly in time but with a mean attempt rate :math:`W`. The energy function of a Hopfield network is .. math:: E\left( \mathbf{V}(t) \right) &= -\frac{1}{2} \mathop{\sum\sum}_{j \neq k} T_{jk} V_j(t) V_k(t) - \frac{1}{2} \sum_j T_{jj} V_j(t)^2\\ &= -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{j \neq i} \sum_{k \neq i} T_{jk} V_j(t) V_k(t) - \frac{1}{2} V_i(t) \sum_{l \neq i} (T_{il} + T_{li}) V_l(t) - \frac{1}{2} T_{ii} V_i(t)^2. Convergence of Hopfield Network ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By inspection, the change in energy :math:`\Delta E` due to :math:`\Delta V_i = V_i(t + 1) - V_i(t)` is .. math:: \Delta E &= E(t + 1) - E(t)\\ &= \left( -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{l \neq i} (T_{il} + T_{li}) V_i(t + 1) V_l(t) - \frac{1}{2} T_{ii} V_i(t + 1)^2 \right) - \left( -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{l \neq i} (T_{il} + T_{li}) V_i(t) V_l(t) - \frac{1}{2} T_{ii} V_i(t)^2 \right)\\ &= -\frac{1}{2} \Delta V_i \sum_{l \neq i} (T_{il} + T_{li}) V_l(t) - \frac{1}{2} T_{ii} \Delta V_i. Observe that if :math:`V_i(t + 1) = V_i(t)`, the :math:`\Delta E = 0`. To show the convergence of the network, assume :math:`T_{ij} = T_{ji}`, :math:`T_{ii} = 0`, and only one update occurs at a time. .. math:: \Delta E = -\Delta V_i \sum_{j \neq i} T_{ij} V_j(t). When :math:`\Delta V_i = 1`, .. math:: \Delta E = -\sum_{j \neq i} T_{ij} V_j(t) < 0 because :math:`\sum_j T_{ij} V_j(t) > 0`. When :math:`\Delta V_i = -1`, .. math:: \Delta E = \sum_{j \neq i} T_{ij} V_j(t) \leq 0 because :math:`\sum_j T_{ij} V_j(t) \leq 0`. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: