########################################### A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines ########################################### Motivation(s) ============= New neuroscientific evidence and VLSI technology have led to a revival of interests in connectionist systems. One open question is how to make a system adapt a given structure of processors and communication paths to whatever problem it is given. Contrary to common beliefs of neural networks, the assumption that networks are randomly wired is just as wrong as the view that all knowledge is innate. In addition, a general connectionist learning rule can coexist with rule-based models depending on the system granularity. The current hypothesis on how the human visual system works is that the system must be able to solve large constraint-satisfaction problems rapidly. A plausible style of computation is iterative search. These optimization problems are presently solved using relaxation schemes such as linear programming with weak constraints, Hopfield networks, and gradient descent. Unfortunately, these techniques are subject to local minimas. Proposed Solution(s) ==================== The authors propose the concept of a Boltzmann machine, a network of symmetrically coupled stochastic binary units, as a solution to the credit-assignment problem that the original perceptron failed to handle. It contains a set of visible units :math:`V_\alpha` and a set of hidden units :math:`H_\beta` with :math:`V_\alpha \cap H_\beta = \emptyset`. Let :math:`s^{\alpha \beta} = (s^\alpha, s^\beta)` denote the state of the system where :math:`s^\alpha = \left\{ s^\alpha_i \colon i \in V_\alpha \right\}` and :math:`s^\beta = \left\{ s^\beta_i \colon i \in H_\beta \right\}`. The system's energy .. math:: E_{\alpha \beta} = E(s^{\alpha \beta}) = -\sum_{i < j} w_{ij} s^{\alpha \beta}_i s^{\alpha \beta}_j is akin to that of a symmetric Hopfield network. The probability of the system is defined by a Boltzmann distribution .. math:: P^-(V_\alpha, H_\beta) = \frac{1}{Z} \exp -E_{\alpha \beta} / T = \frac{ \exp -E_{\alpha \beta} / T }{ \sum_{\lambda, \mu} \exp -E_{\lambda \mu} / T } where :math:`T` is the temperature at thermal equilibrium. The marginal distribution over the visible units is .. math:: P^-(V_\alpha) = \sum_\beta P^-(V_\alpha, H_\beta). In order to frame the learning rule, observe that an approximation to the data distribution is .. math:: P^+(V_\alpha) = N^{-1} \sum_\lambda^N \delta(s^{\alpha} - s^{\lambda}) where :math:`N` is the number of training examples. The paper refers to this as the clamped probability distribution over the visible units. Note that the probability of a hidden state given some visible state must be the same at equilibrium whether the visible units were clamped in that state or arrived there by free-running (e.g. Gibbs sampling). Hence .. math:: P^+(V_\alpha, H_\beta) &= P^+(H_\beta \mid V_\alpha) P^+(V_\alpha)\\ &= P^-(H_\beta \mid V_\alpha) P^+(V_\alpha)\\ &= P^-(V_\alpha, H_\beta) \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)}. From the :doc:`relationship between maximum likelihood and KL divergence `, the learning rule's objective is realized as .. math:: \min_\mathbf{w} G = \min_\mathbf{w} P^+(V_A) \parallel P^-(V_A) = \min_\mathbf{w} \sum_\alpha P^+(V_\alpha) \ln \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)}. The learning rule itself .. math:: w_{ij} \mapsto w_{ij} - \frac{\partial G}{\partial w_{ij}} can be derived as .. math:: \frac{\partial G}{\partial w_{ij}} &= -\sum_\alpha \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)} \frac{\partial P^-(V_\alpha)}{\partial w_{ij}}\\ &= -\sum_\alpha \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)} \left[ Z^{-1} \frac{\partial}{\partial w_{ij}} \left( \sum_\beta \exp -E_{\alpha \beta} / T \right) - Z^{-1} \frac{\partial \ln Z}{\partial w_{ij}} \sum_\beta \exp -E_{\alpha \beta} / T \right]\\ &= -\sum_\alpha \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)} \left[ \frac{1}{Z T} \sum_\beta s^{\alpha \beta}_i s^{\alpha \beta}_j \exp \frac{-E_{\alpha \beta}}{T} - \frac{1}{Z^2 T} \sum_\beta \exp \frac{-E_{\alpha \beta}}{T} \cdot \sum_{\lambda, \mu} s^{\lambda \mu}_i s^{\lambda \mu}_j \exp \frac{-E_{\lambda \mu}}{T} \right]\\ &= -T^{-1} \sum_\alpha \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)} \left[ \sum_\beta P^-(V_\alpha, H_\beta) s^{\alpha \beta}_i s^{\alpha \beta}_j - P^-(V_\alpha) \sum_{\lambda, \mu} P^-(V_\lambda, H_\mu) s^{\lambda \mu}_i s^{\lambda \mu}_j \right]\\ &= -T^{-1} \left[ \sum_{\alpha, \beta} \frac{P^+(V_\alpha)}{P^-(V_\alpha)} P^-(V_\alpha, H_\beta) s^{\alpha \beta}_i s^{\alpha \beta}_j - \sum_\alpha P^+(V_\alpha) \cdot \sum_{\lambda, \mu} P^-(V_\lambda, H_\mu) s^{\lambda \mu}_i s^{\lambda \mu}_j \right]\\ &= -T^{-1} \left[ \sum_{\alpha, \beta} P^+(V_\alpha, H_\beta) s^{\alpha \beta}_i s^{\alpha \beta}_j - \sum_{\lambda, \mu} P^-(V_\lambda, H_\mu) s^{\lambda \mu}_i s^{\lambda \mu}_j \right]\\ &= -T^{-1} \left[ p^+_{ij} - p^-_{ij} \right]. The foregoing derivations require the Boltzmann machine to be at thermal equilibrium. One approximation is .. math:: p^\pm_{ij} \approx M^{-1} \sum_{m = 1}^M s^m_i s^m_j where the :math:`M` samples are generated using Gibbs sampling. Random samples are drawn from the desired distributions :math:`P^-(V_\alpha, H_\beta)` and :math:`P^-(H_\beta \mid V_\alpha)` according to the probability .. math:: P^-(s_i = 1 \mid s_{\setminus i}) &= \frac{ P^-(s_i = 1, s_{\setminus i}) }{ P^-(s_i = 0, s_{\setminus i}) + P^-(s_i = 1, s_{\setminus i}) }\\ &= \frac{ P^-(s_i = 1, s_{\setminus i}) / P^-(s_i = 0, s_{\setminus i}) }{ 1 + P^-(s_i = 1, s_{\setminus i}) / P^-(s_i = 0, s_{\setminus i}) }\\ &= \frac{ \exp T^{-1} \sum_{j \neq i} w_{ij} s^{\alpha \beta}_j }{ 1 + \exp T^{-1} \sum_{j \neq i} w_{ij} s^{\alpha \beta}_j }\\ &= \sigma\left( T^{-1} \sum_{j \neq i} w_{ij} s^{\alpha \beta}_j \right) & \quad & \sigma(u) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-u)}. Evaluation(s) ============= If an environment specifies only a small subset of the possible patterns, the only way for the unmentioned patterns to occur with zero probability is to have infinitely high energy. The authors used weight decay and noisy input vectors that are clamped on the visible units to prevent exploding weights during :math:`\text{phase}^+`. To improve convergence to equilibrium when the weights are small, simulated annealing was added into :math:`\text{phase}^-`: given a proposed state :math:`s^\ast` at iteration :math:`t + 1`, .. math:: s^{t + 1} \leftarrow \begin{cases} s^\ast & \text{if } \frac{P^-\left( s^\ast \right)}{P^-\left( s^t \right)} = \exp \frac{-\Delta E}{T} > \text{rand}(0, 1)\\ s^t & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} The experiments demonstrated mixed results. The encoder experiment focused on the recurring task of communicating information among various components of a parallel network. :math:`V_1` and :math:`V_2` are two systems that wish to communicate their state through a single hidden layer. Each network configuration (e.g. 4-2-4, 4-3-4, 8-3-8, 40-10-40) successfully found one of the global minima. The shifter experiment centered around three systems: - :math:`V_1` generates a pattern, - :math:`V_2` either shifts that pattern left, right, or does nothing, and - :math:`V_3` represents the action :math:`V_2` took. By inspection, this task requires at least a third order hidden representation. The visible units can only capture first order and second order structure. With that said, the Boltzmann machine failed to yield high accuracy when a lot of the bits were on. Furthermore, aside from increasing training data and time, it is unclear how to tune the distributed representation so that the hidden units represent significant underlying features that bear strong, regular relationships to each other and to the states of the visible units. Future Direction(s) =================== - The authors mentioned that the visible units compete for territory in the space of possible codes. In the case of images, would partitioning the spatial input domain into non-overlapping regions to reduce computation still yield high accuracy? Question(s) =========== - The authors emphasize relearning after a major network damage, but isn't this simply an instance of starting out with a good initialization of the network? - It seems a neural network's resilience to damage is not useful in a distributed computing setting? Analysis ======== Boltzmann machines can be viewed as a symmetric Hopfield network with stochastic binary units, and each unit is either visible or hidden. Even though the experiments indicate Boltzmann machines are capable of modeling the underlying structure of a data distribution, the optimization criteria is too computationally expensive to evaluate in practice. Nevertheless, the KL divergence optimization strategy is valuable as an exemplar of modeling. Although :cite:`hinton1986learning,ackley1985learning` contain interesting background information, the details of the learning method are too convoluted to understand compared to the precise wordings of :cite:`yuillebm`. One of the most interesting points is the experiment with more hidden units than visible units. The desired solution was found quickly, but the network continued to optimize the solution so that the distributed representation utilize all the hidden units. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: