############################################################## Understanding Deep Learning Requires Rethinking Generalization ############################################################## Motivation(s) ============= Neural networks have more parameters than the number of examples they are trained on. Yet, some models exhibit small generalization error while others generalize poorly. To address how a neural network's architecture affects generalization, several complexity measures from statistical learning theory have been proposed. The uniform stability of an algorithm measures how sensitive the algorithm is to the replacement of a single example. It does not take into account specifics of the data or the distribution of the labels. The notion of uniform stability has been applied to upper bound the generalization error of a model trained with stochastic gradient descent in terms of the number of steps gradient descent took. However, the concept is not strong enough to distinguish between the models trained on the true labels (small generalization error) and models trained on random labels (high generalization error). Moreover, empirically training neural networks are not uniformly stable for many passes over the data. Although there are several universal approximation theorems for multi-layer perceptrons, all of them are at the population level characterizing what functions of the entire domain can and cannot be represented by certain classes of neural networks with the same number of parameters. It is possible to transfer population level results to finite sample results using uniform convergence theorems. Even so, such uniform convergence bounds would require the sample size to be polynomially large in the dimension of the input and exponential in the depth of the network. Bounds on the fat-shattering dimension of multi-layer perceptrons with sigmoid activations have been proven in terms of the :math:`l_1`-norm of the weights at each node. This gives a generalization bound for neural nets that is independent of the network size. Alas, every successful network uses ReLU activations so the :math:`l_1`-norm is no longer informative. Proposed Solution(s) ==================== The authors explore the effective model capacity of feed-forward neural networks. They assert that the traditional view of generalization (e.g. VC dimension, Rademacher complexity, uniform stability, regularization) is incapable of distinguishing between different neural networks that have radically different generalization performance. Evaluation(s) ============= The authors study the representational power of neural networks for a finite sample of size :math:`n`. They prove there exists a two-layer neural network with ReLU activations and :math:`2n + d` weights that can represent any function on a sample of size :math:`n` in :math:`d` dimensions. A corollary of this result that trades width for depth is for every :math:`k \geq 2`, there exists a neural network with ReLU activations of depth :math:`k`, width :math:`\mathcal{O}(n / k)`, and :math:`\mathcal{O}(n + d)` weights that can represent any function on a sample of size :math:`n` in :math:`d` dimensions. They train several standard architectures on a copy of the data where the true labels were replaced by random labels, leaving all other properties of the learning problem unchanged. When trained on a completely random labeling of the true data, the networks achieved zero training error. This implies the effective capacity of neural networks is sufficient for memorizing the entire data set (e.g. CIFAR10, ImageNet). The training time increases only by a small constant factor compared with training on the true labels. Furthermore, CNNs achieve zero training error even when the image data consists of entirely random pixels (e.g. Gaussian noise). Their experiments on different explicit regularization (e.g. data augmentation, weight decay, dropout) and implicit regularization (e.g. early stopping, batch normalization) techniques indicate that neither are necessary nor by themselves sufficient for controlling generalization error. Future Direction(s) =================== - Is there a universal complexity measure that is independent of techniques? - Can depth be regarded as a regularizer that explicitly groups activation units? - Regularizers help confine learning to a subset of the hypothesis space with manageable complexity. How to adjust it so that it addresses the generalization error? Question(s) =========== - Why did the authors allocate a whole section on discussing the minimum norm solutions when they later on admit this notion is not predictive of generalization performance? - Isn't Gabor wavelet transform preprocessing just another form of data augmentation? What's the significance compared to the other techniques? Analysis ======== Existing complexity measures from statistical learning theory cannot fully explain the generalization error. The elegant proof on finite sample expressivity of a feed-forward neural network with ReLUs is very useful because it provides a bound on the network's :doc:`width, depth, and number of weights `. It would be interesting to see how finite sample expressivity can be used to estimate the effective size of a network architecture :cite:`wang1994optimal`. Another eye-opening result is that both implicit and explicit regularization enhances generalization performance by roughly 5%. This casts some doubt on using Bayesian methods to avoid regularization. The authors contend that SGD acts as an implicit regularizer because SGD always converges to a solution with small norm for linear models. They show on small data sets that even Gaussian kernel methods can generalize well with no regularization. This is not convincing because finding the minimum norm solutions of underdetermined systems is a convex problem :cite:`boyd2008ee2638,lambers2011mat41915`. A follow-up work :cite:`arpit2017closer` (a superset of :cite:`krueger2017deep`) shows that the degree of memorization and generalization in DNNs depends not only on the architecture and training procedure, but also on the training data itself. In real data, easy examples match underlying patterns of the data distribution, and hard examples are exceptions to the patterns. In random data, examples are all equally hard, and hence learning is content agnostic. Their experiments illustrate class specific loss-sensitivity (Gini coefficient) is more highly class-correlated for random data. However, when a dataset contains many classes, the significant difference goes away. In order to justify that learned hypotheses are less complex for real data, they propose the notion of critical sample ratio (CSR): how many data points have an adversarial example nearby? They assert that their experiment on CIFAR10 and random data supports the use of CSR to measure complexity. Overall, :cite:`arpit2017closer` should have taken a closer look at their limited empirical results and polished their superficial insights. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: