################################################################################ Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation ################################################################################ Motivation(s) ============= The object detection accuracy of ensemble systems that employ SIFT and HOG has plateaued in recent years. The recent success of CNNs on image classification call attention to what extent do classification results generalize to object detection. Proposed Solution(s) ==================== In an attempt to bridge the gap between image classification and object detection, the authors propose a system, R-CNN (Regions with CNN features), that combines region proposals with CNNs. Their focus is on localizing objects with a deep neural network and training a high-capacity model with only a small quantity of annotated detection data. They solve the CNN localization problem by operating within the successful *recognition using regions* paradigm. Evaluation(s) ============= While R-CNN is agnostic to the particular region proposal method, the authors chose selective search (a.k.a. approximate segmentation at multiple scales) in order to measure against prior detection work. They warp each of the 2000 region proposals to the CNN's input size. Their inexhaustive evaluations of different warpings suggest that warping to the tightest square with context padding resulted in a higher mean average precision (mAP) compared to without context padding and anisotropic scaling. The feature extraction step can be performed by any CNN such as AlexNet or VGGNet. Experiments on different network architecture reveal that a good feature extractor gives at least 8% boost in mAP. Even though the authors opted for AlexNet to save on computation, R-CNN still tops existing state of the art methods such as OverFeat by at least 20% in terms of mAP. OverFeat can be seen as a special case of R-CNN if one replaces the selective search with a multi-scale pyramid of regular square regions and changes the per-class bounding box regressors to a single bounding box regressor. At test time, they score each extracted feature vector using the SVM trained for each class. Given all scored regions in an image, a greedy non-maximum suppression for each class independently rejects a region if it has an intersection-over-union (IoU) overlap with a higher scoring selected region larger than a learned threshold. Note that CNN fine-tuning uses a different IoU threshold than SVM training. The authors conjecture that these hyperparameters need to be different to avoid overfitting to the limited amount of data. They did not use the :math:`(N + 1)`-way softmax regression classifier as the object detector because they failed in tuning the system to get higher performance than SVMs. To fix mislocalized detections, the authors applied a class-specific bounding box regression based on CNN pool layer features. The regression only learns from a proposal if it is nearby at least one ground-truth box. This concept of "nearness" relies on a hardcoded IoU. Future Direction(s) =================== - What is the minimum number of input transformations a neural network needs to be trained on? - Are the false positives (e.g. localization, similar category, dissimilar category, background) dominated by network architecture and optimization or labels? - Is YOLO beneficial to Faster R-CNN like it was to Fast R-CNN? Question(s) =========== - Why not learn the overlap threshold instead of performing a grid search? - Is treating a particular unit in the network as if it was an object detector useful for debugging in general? Analysis ======== Deep learning is one technique that has successfully combined image classification and object detection. The authors reported :math:`\text{fc}_6` gives the best semantic segmentation results, but did not provide any numbers on :math:`\text{fc}_7`. This extra information would help with designing future network architecture. Their experiments of training SVMs with different CNN layers demonstrate that a CNN’s representational power mostly comes from its convolutional layers. The densely connected layers only yields an additional 10% mAP after fine-tuning. The distribution of top-ranked false positive types shows that bounding box regression is necessary to attain the highest possible mAP, but the authors' approach may not be the most elegant way to achieve this. Furthermore, it's debatable whether the additional complexity of per class linear SVMs is worth the 4% gain in mAP. One enlightening insight is that fine-tuning improves robustness (the highest and lowest normalized mAP) for nearly all characteristics including occlusion, truncation, viewpoint, and part visibility. However, it does not reduce sensitivity (the difference between max and min). In an attempt to shorten the feature extraction step of R-CNN, :cite:`he2014spatial` proposes a spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) layer that operates directly on the feature map of each training example. The experiments demonstrate comparable accuracy to R-CNN but with two orders of magnitude speedup. The authors of the follow up work Fast R-CNN realized that the multi-stage training is complicated and possibly not necessary, so they propose to train the detector in a single stage, end-to-end by jointly optimizing a softmax classifier and bounding-box regressors :cite:`girshick2015fast`. Their empirical results indicate: - Multi-task training improves pure classification accuracy relative to training for classification alone. - Multi-scale training approach offers only a small increase in mAP at a large cost in compute time because deep CNNs are adept at directly learning scale invariance. - The simple softmax classifier slightly outperforms SVMs in mAP. - Augmenting the training data by increasing the amount of object proposals (e.g. 1k to 10k) actually hurts accuracy. - Fine-tuning the entire network plays an important role in deep networks compared to shallow networks like SPP-net. - The first three convolutional layers do not have to be fine-tuned because their impact to mAP is less than 0.3 points. Even though Fast R-CNN reduced the detection pipeline's processing time, the system still takes seconds to operate per image due to region proposals. One solution is to replace the selective search method with a region proposal network (RPN) :cite:`ren2015faster`. This pipeline enabled Faster R-CNN to operate at interactive rates with even higher mAP. The network's loss function is the sum of the RPN loss and Fast R-CNN loss. The empirical results show that this approximate joint training scheme is faster and matches the accuracy of alternating training. Note that the latter is not based on any fundamental principles while the former ignores the undefined :math:`\frac{\partial L}{\partial RoI[x]}` where :math:`x` denotes the proposal boxes’ coordinates that are also network responses. Exact joint training requires an RoI pooling layer that is differentiable w.r.t. the box coordinates, possibly via RoI warping. One interesting result is that the multi-scale anchor boxes alone are not sufficient for accurate detection, and aspect ratios have insignificant effects on detection accuracy. To further reduce the system latency, :cite:`redmon2016you` models detection as a regression problem and uses features from the entire image to predict all bounding boxes simultaneously. Their system (YOLO) imposes strong spatial constraints on bounding box predictions since each grid cell only predicts two boxes and can only have one class. This spatial constraint and coarse features causes YOLO to struggle with small objects that appear in groups and fail to generalize to objects in new or unusual aspect ratios or configurations. Their unified detection takes approximately 22ms, but gives 10 mAP less than Faster R-CNN due to incorrect localizations. Even though combining YOLO with Fast R-CNN gives impressive accuracy, it is not better than Faster R-CNN. Notice that Faster R-CNN is fully convolutional but requires a second stage to classify the bounding boxes, whereas YOLO directly predicts the multi-class probability vector and offsets for :math:`K` boxes using a fully-connected layers. One way to combine the best of both solutions without resampling pixels or feature maps is given in :cite:`liu2016ssd`. Their system (SSD) has less localization error because it directly learns to regress the object shape and classify object categories in a single step. However, since the parameters are shared for multiple categories, the error due to similar object categories is higher. Furthermore, the system is very sensitive to the bounding box size and performs worse on smaller objects than bigger objects. Nevertheless, the system latency is only twice that of YOLO with much higher accuracy and robustness than Faster R-CNN due to multi-scale feature maps and default boxes. Note that the higher accuracy requires the use of data augmentation e.g. horizontal flip, random crop, color distortion, and random expansion. Notes ===== R-CNN ----- The training pipeline consists of 1) Offline pre-training of a CNN :math:`M` for image classification. #) Fine-tune :math:`M` for object detection by replacing the softmax classifier with one that has the desired number of classes plus one background class. #) Freeze :math:`M`'s weights and cache the training data's feature vectors. - Training data includes all the region proposals. - For AlexNet, the feature vectors could be :math:`\text{pool}_5`, :math:`\text{fc}_6`, or :math:`\text{fc}_7`. #) Independently train a linear SVM for each category on the feature vectors using the hard negative mining method. #) Independently train a linear bounding box regressor for each category to refine the proposal's initial region of interest. - For AlexNet, the regression can be modeled as a linear function of the :math:`\text{pool}_5` features. SPP-Net ------- The region proposals are still being generated using selective search. However, instead of passing each region proposal through the CNN, SPP-net generates a feature map of the entire input image using the CNN :cite:`he2014spatial`. In order to map the window of each proposed region to the feature map, the authors project the corner point of a window onto a pixel in the feature map such that this corner point in the image domain is closest to the center of the receptive field of that feature map pixel. The spatial pyramid pooling layer does not have any weights. It replaces the last pooling layer in R-CNN, and outputs a :math:`kM`-dimensional vector regardless of image size and scale. Here :math:`k` is the number of filters in the last convolutional layer, and :math:`M` is the number of bins. The vector is akin to an image pyramid that uses bins instead of pixels. In each spatial bin, the authors (max) pool the responses of each filter. By decoupling the convolutional layers from the fully-connected layers, SPP-net enables the former to accept inputs of arbitrary sizes while satisfying the latter's requirement of fixed-size input. Consequently, the fine-tuning phase now only needs to modify the fully-connected layers. Fast R-CNN ---------- While R-CNN supports training all layers of the network, SPP-net cannot because of its SPP layer optimization. :cite:`girshick2015fast` instead propose a Region of Interest (RoI) pooling layer, which is a special case of the SPP layer with one pyramid level. Each proposed RoI may have a very large receptive field, so mini-batches are sampled hierarchically: first sample :math:`N` images and then sample :math:`R / N` RoIs from each image. This enables RoIs from the same image to share computation and memory in the forward and backward passes. Even though the RoIs from the same image are correlated, the authors achieved good results with :math:`(N = 2, R = 128)` and did not notice any slowdown of training convergence. In order to fine-tune the entire network via SGD, the authors define two loss branches after the fully-connected layers. The sum of the softmax classifier and per-class linear bounding-box regressors is the total loss :math:`L`. For background RoIs, there is no notion of a ground-truth bounding box. The errors are backpropagated through the RoI pooling layer, which is just like max pooling except that pooling regions overlap: .. math:: \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{argmax} \DeclareMathOperator*{\Pr}{\mathop{\mathrm{Pr}}} \frac{\partial L}{\partial x_i} &= \sum_r \sum_j \frac{\partial y_{rj}}{\partial x_i} \frac{\partial L}{\partial y_{rj}}\\ &= \sum_r \sum_j \left[ i = i^*_{rj} \right] \frac{\partial L}{\partial y_{rj}} \qquad \text{where} \qquad i^*_{rj} = \argmax_{i' \in \mathcal{R}(r, j)} x_{i'} and :math:`\mathcal{R}(r, j)` is the index set of inputs in the sub-window over the RoI :math:`r` which the output unit :math:`y_{rj}` max pools. Here :math:`x_i` is the :math:`i^\text{th}` activation input into the RoI pooling layer, and it may be assigned to several different outputs :math:`y_{rj}`. At test time for each RoI :math:`r`, Fast R-CNN's forward pass outputs a class posterior probability distribution :math:`p` and a set of predicted bounding-box offsets relative to :math:`r`. Each class independently runs non-maximum suppression as in R-CNN but uses the detection confidence :math:`\mathop{\mathrm{Pr}}\left( \text{class} = k \mid r \right) = p_k` as its criterion. One can also trade a small drop in mAP to further reduce detection time via approximating each fully-connected layer's weight matrix by a matrix of lower rank. Faster R-CNN ------------ A RPN takes as input an image (e.g. feature map) of arbitrary size, slides a :math:`n \times n` spatial window over each pixel of the input, and outputs a set of rectangular object proposals. At each sliding window location, the RPN classifies what is under the window as object or not object. If it is an object, the RPN estimates some bounding box coordinates. If it is not, the estimated coordinates are nonsensical and should be ignored. The maximum number of possible proposals for each location is limited to :math:`k` i.e. :math:`2k + 4k` outputs per pixel. The :math:`k` proposals are parameterized relative to :math:`k` anchor boxes. Each anchor box has a constant scale and aspect ratio, both of which are hand-picked. This pyramid of anchors is centered at the sliding window in question, and the RPN learns the appropriate shared weights to estimate :math:`2k + 4k` outputs at each position. The :math:`2k` represents the two-class softmax layer, and the :math:`4k` embodies R-CNN's bounding box regression. Given the feature map that is the output of ReLU on the last convolutional layer, :cite:`ren2015faster` implements the RPN as two sibling :math:`1 \times 1` convolutional layers whose depth is :math:`2k` and :math:`4k` respectively. This approach guarantees translation invariance. Furthermore, the pyramid only relies on inputs of a single scale and uses filters of a single size. In order to support the multi-scale design, a set of :math:`k` bounding box regressors are learned for each combination of scale and aspect ratio. Unlike previous RoI-based methods, these regressors do not share weights. YOLO ---- The system divides the input image into a :math:`S \times S` grid. Each grid cell predicts :math:`B` bounding boxes and confidence scores for those boxes. Each bounding box's center :math:`(x, y)` is relative to the bounds of the grid cell whereas its :math:`(w, h)` are relative to the whole image. The confidence score :math:`\Pr(\text{Object}) \text{IoU}` captures whether the box contains an object and the overlap between the predicted box and any ground truth box. YOLO only predicts :math:`C` conditional class probabilities :math:`\Pr\left( \text{Class}_i \mid \text{Object} \right)` per grid cell regardless of the number of boxes :math:`B`. The class-specific confidence scores is attained through marginalization: .. math:: \Pr\left( \text{Class}_i \mid \text{Object} \right) \Pr(\text{Object}) \text{IoU} = \Pr(\text{Class}_i) \text{IoU}. The architecture is a variation of GoogLeNet with :math:`24` convolutional layers followed by two fully-connected layers with the last layer being a :math:`S \times S \times (5B + C)` tensor. Besides pretraining the first :math:`20` convolutional layers on ImageNet and applying non-maximum suppression on the bounding boxes per grid cell, :cite:`redmon2016you` also had to finagle the optimization procedure. They increase the loss from the bounding box coordinate predictions and decrease the loss from confidence predictions for boxes that do not contain objects because many grid cells do not contain any object. Their system predicts the square root of the bounding box width and height so that small deviations in large boxes matter less than in small boxes. However, their loss function treats errors in small bounding boxes versus large bounding boxes the same. Achieving high accuracy requires the learning rate schedule to imitate the typical :doc:`gradual warmup strategy `. SSD --- Given the convolutional layers of VGG-16 through Conv5_3 layer as a base, the authors add convolutional feature layers to the end. Although these layers decrease in size progressively, their output can be defined by a kernel filter of size :math:`3 \times 3 \times (C + 4) K_i`. Here :math:`C` is the number of classes, four denotes the refinements to some fixed default box, and :math:`K_i` is the number of default boxes for feature map :math:`i`. A default box is essentially a multi-scale anchor box :cite:`liu2016ssd`. The predicted bounding box offsets are relative to a default box's extents relative to each feature map (pixel) location. The coordinates are normalized w.r.t. image dimensions to achieve invariance to absolute image size i.e. think UV texture space. The default boxes do not have to correspond to the actual receptive fields of each layer. Suppose the network uses :math:`m` feature maps for prediction. The scale of the default boxes for each feature map is given by .. math:: s_k = s_\min + \frac{s_\max - s_\min}{m - 1} (k - 1) where the lowest layer and highest layer has a scale of :math:`s_\min` and :math:`s_\max` respectively. The authors also impose different aspect ratios for the default boxes. For a feature map :math:`i` of size :math:`m \times n`, the network generates :math:`(C + 4) K_i mn` outputs. To handle the large number of default boxes, the authors match each ground truth (GT) box to closest default box. They also match each GT box to all unassigned default boxes with a high IoU. To deal with the unbalanced number of true positives (TP) vs false positives (FP), they use hard negative mining on the worst misclassified FPs i.e. keep TP:FP ratio fixed at 1:3. .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :all: