Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting


Deep neural networks contain multiple non-linear hidden layers to learn complicated mappings between their inputs and outputs. Due to their large number of parameters, they need huge amounts of training data to avoid overfitting to the sampling noise.

To avoid overfitting, several strategies have been proposed such as stopping the training as soon as performance on a validation set starts to get worse, introducing weight penalties, and soft weight sharing [Pre98]. For instance, let \(E_v(t)\) be the corresponding error on the validation set at epoch \(t\) and \(E_o(t) = \min_{t' \leq t} E_v(t')\). When the generalization loss \(L_G(t) = 100 \left( E_v(t) / E_o(t) - 1 \right)\) exceeds a certain threshold, the training should stop.

The (Bayesian) golden standard is to average the predictions of all possible settings of the parameters, weighting each setting by its posterior probability given the training data. Clearly this requires too much computation, so researchers often settle for ensemble methods. However, ensemble methods are merely stop-gaps since large networks are just as costly to evaluate.

One recent idea to reduce overfitting is to regularize a neural network with noise. This has been successfully applied in the context of Denoising Autoencoders where noise is added to the input units of an autoencoder and the network is trained to reconstruct the noise-free input.

Proposed Solution(s)

The authors propose dropout as a way to prevent overfitting and approximately combine exponentially many different neural network architectures efficiently. For each training example, dropout temporarily changes the topology of the network: each (visible or hidden) unit of a layer’s output is kept with probability \(p\); it is set to zero otherwise.

Note that a neural net with \(n\) units can be seen as a collection of \(2^n\) possible thinned neural networks. These networks all share weights so that the total number of parameters is still \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\). Applying dropout to a neural network amounts to sampling a thinned network from it.

At test time, the entire neural net without dropout is used, but the weights are scaled. If a unit is retained with probability \(p\) during training, the outgoing weights of that unit are multiplied by \(p\) at test time. An equivalent approach to achieve the same effect without test time modifications is to scale up the retained activations by multiplying \(\frac{1}{p}\) at training time. This can be viewed as an equally-weighted averaging of exponentially many models with shared weights.


The authors augment the existing feed-forward operation with Bernoulli random variables. All the existing tricks (e.g. momentum, annealed learning rates, weight decay, pretraining) for training a neural network are used. They noted that using a max-norm regularization on the incoming weight vector at each hidden unit improved SGD.

The authors verified that dropout enabled existing state of the art methods to further reduce the error on the following datasets: MNIST, TIMIT, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, SVHN, ImageNet, Reuters-RCV1, and Alternative Gene Splicing. Note that since dropout is approximating Bayesian neural networks, it did not achieve the best result for the last dataset. Furthermore, as the data set size gets large, dropout exhibits diminishing returns.

They argue that preventing co-adaptation of units by making the presence of other hidden units unreliable could be one of the reasons why dropout works. A hidden unit can no longer rely on other specific units to correct its mistakes. A side effect of this is inducing sparsity in the activations of the hidden units. Additionally, another experiment showed that dropout’s weight scaling method achieved a prediction accuracy within one standard deviation of Monte Carlo model averaging.

Future Direction(s)

  • Dropout’s implementation looks very similar to russian roulette in importance sampling, so perhaps that literature could be of use and possibly make more sense than the intuition of averaging exponentially many submodels?

  • The authors mentioned that multiplicative Gaussian noise whose mean and variance matches a Bernoulli distribution yielded equal or better performance. Are there neuroscience evidence showing neurons misfire or activate according to some distribution?


  • Would first training the network to convergence without dropout, and then retrain the converged network with dropout till convergence yield good result?


Dropout is an effective technique to reduce co-adaptations of hidden units at the cost of increasing training time due to noisy parameter updates. This paper formalizes the concept of dropout, which was introduced in [HSK+12].

The paper’s biological motivation for dropout is a bit off-key; the authors should have instead linked it to dendritic computation. Their experiment on the effect of dropout rate is only insightful to the point of picking an appropriate value. Should dropout try to mimic the brain’s neuroplasticity?

Nevertheless, there are valuable insights such as the formulation of Restricted Boltzmann Machines with dropout and the corresponding experiments to reillustrate dropout’s benefit. The authors also suggest some heuristics (akin to the backpropagation tips) to train dropout networks. Most of them just specify some range for a parameter, but one tip that may lead to some theoretical work is the network size. If an \(n\)-sized layer is optimal for a standard neural net on any given task, a good dropout net should have at least \(\frac{n}{p}\) units where \(p\) is the probability of retaining a unit.

A related paper [WZZ+13] generalizes this technique to dropping connection weights between fully connected layers. The authors of DropConnect state that the inference step for dropout assumes

\[\sum_M a\left( (M \ast W) v \right) \approx a\left( \sum_M (M \ast W) v \right).\]

From inspection, this approximation is invalid for ReLU and \(\tanh\) when the input is zero. They propose an alternative approximation using moment matching and establish a bound for the Rademacher complexity of their model. The experiments illustrate DropConnect beating dropout by a miniscule amount on ReLU/\(\tanh\) and losing on sigmoid. All of the experiments focused on \(p = 0.5\) and completely ignored its regularization effects. The performance results show execution times on the order of milliseconds, but the lack of a GPU version for dropout prevents any conclusive arguments. Future works should explore maxout networks to see if DropConnect’s tradeoff between slow convergence properties and higher accuracy is still worthwhile.



Geoffrey E Hinton, Nitish Srivastava, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan R Salakhutdinov. Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors. arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0580, 2012.


Lutz Prechelt. Early stopping-but when? In Neural Networks: Tricks of the trade, pages 55–69. Springer, 1998.


Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15:1929–1958, 2014. URL: http://jmlr.org/papers/v15/srivastava14a.html.


Li Wan, Matthew Zeiler, Sixin Zhang, Yann L Cun, and Rob Fergus. Regularization of neural networks using dropconnect. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-13), 1058–1066. 2013.